If you had the chance to change a young man’s life for the better, would you?

The Capri Paddle

A group of young people paddling at the Men of Business Academy Capri Paddle
An annual event run by Men of Business Academy, The Capri Paddle has taken on a life of it’s own.
What we did
Brand, Web

What started out as an idea, quickly gained momentum. We initially designed a quick logo to help support the event. 3 years later the event required a custom made event website to handle donations and a ticket raffle.

Men of Business Academy Capri Paddle logo
Custom team scoreboard that streams live donation tracking in real time.
One of the biggest hurdles was to create a live scoreboard. Although the event is not a race, the donation scoreboard was essential to create a little competition on the day and hopefully drive more donations.
A man making an announcement to a group of people
A group of people waving in the distance
A group of men participating in the Men of Business Academy Capri Paddle
Men of Business Capri Paddle website displayed on a laptop
Donations help change the futures of young men aged 15-18.
Paddlers who fundraise each year at the Capri on Via Roma 24-Hour Paddle are a community of fired up Mobsters making a difference in the lives of Gold Coast youth at risk.
Men of Business Academy Capri Paddle promotional poster
A view of the Gold Coast skyline from the Men of Business Academy Capri Paddle
Various mockups of the Men of Business Academy Capri Paddle social media material
Men of Business Academy Capri Paddle pull up banner
A large gathering of people having lunch
Men of Business Academy Capri Paddle website mockups

Their passion, dedication and intuition has been an invaluable asset to the success of our business. They are absolute experts in their field, always going above and beyond to support our ideas and we feel blessed to have them part of our MOB Academy family.

Courtney Primmer

Brand Manager, Men of Business Academy